A Sunday Song from Sharon

Hi Sunday Song Fam and Friends,

I have a question for you today. Do you ever struggle with insecurity, doubt, anxiety and fear? I know that I do–probably way more than most people realize and definitely far more than I have cared to admit. However, by the grace of God, I am claiming that I have already overcome these things, even though I am still walking that out in my life. These things are my Goliaths, and I intend, with God’s help, to knock them down one by one.

Today’s Sunday Song is Kirk Franklin’s Imagine Me. I have always loved this song, but the video inspires me even more because it gives a glimpse of what some may experience as they struggle to confront their own Goliaths. The song encourages you to imagine being free enough to trust God totally and to believe that He is so very much in LOVE with you–yes, Y-O-U!

Enjoy a moment of dreaming with God as you listen today.

Today’s Sunday Song: Imagine Me, Kirk Franklin

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)



* Want to turn your song into a SMILE and carry it with you throughout the week? Then check out the extended playlist version, A Sunday SMILE from Sharon. (new songs added weekly)

His Song

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