A Sunday Song from Sharon (Awesome)
Hey there Sunday Song Fam and Friends
There are many adjectives we can use to describe our God. He is amazing, wonderful, great–but today I want to focus on the word “awesome.”
Our God is truly awesome. But what does the word “awesome” mean? Well, according to the dictionary, one definition of the word “awesome” is “extremely impressive, inspiring wonder or excitement.” That is definitely one way to describe our God. He is impressive! And the way that He loves us is inspirational!
Today’s Sunday Song is a celebration of that awesomeness. It reminds us of the awesome things that God can do for us. It is a song that helps us recognize God’s place in our lives. The song is called “Awesome” by Charles Jenkins.
I hope that, as you listen, you can relax and find comfort in the soothing words of this song. Know that, whatever you’re going through, you have an awesome God who is in control and who will not let you down. May you be abundantly blessed!
TODAY’S SUNDAY SONG, Awesome, Charles Jenkins
Psalm 47:2
For the LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.