Letters from Your Loving Father
Today, let me bubble forth in your spirit. I have been here all along. You just didn’t know that it was Me who was speaking to you. I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. I wish to give you a great day today. Keep up the good work and keep your faith in tact. I love you. You are my very special child. There is no one on earth like you. I made you unique. I am aware of your faults for I built you. I designed you, I fashioned you. But with me you are made whole.
Do not be afraid to come to me with your burdens and with your problems. I can fix all. There may be a time period in which you feel like you are “going through” but trust Me, I will bring you out. I have a purpose for you far greater than you can imagine. When I speak the world listens. And when I speak into your circumstances, it has the power to turn things around.
Let me walk beside you, giving you guidance and your next steps.Stay close to me and I will see you through. I will keep you under the shadow of My wings. I will protect you, and nurture you until you become stronger, and even then, I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. You are Mine.
Your Loving Father
Read another letter.